HATE PORN – The Most Evil Weapon in the Arsenal of Hollywood’s Cultural Marxists

Enjoy your sinful money now, cultural Marxists.  It will only pay for your grandchildren’s coffins if you save it.  Too bad you never really did ALL the math.

Do you remember the movies “Walking Tall” and “Billy Jack”?  Do you also remember the hundreds of “me too” movies that followed?  Do you remember how the basic format never REALLY ended?

At this point, you probably remember certain stupid, 1970’s aspects, like the long, bushy sideburns, the “Elvis hair”, and the stereotypical portrayals of American Indians, evil rednecks, and even heroic hippies.  These movies were far from good.  However, they were also extremely popular, particularly with teens and young adults.

What you probably don’t remember is how these movies ushered into “mainstream” movies a previously verboten level of violence.

You probably don’t remember that, before these movies, the “hero” killing a bunch of bad guys wasn’t allowed.  There was a morality code – heavily mocked by the left – that said you couldn’t do such things in movies.  Maybe one or two bad guys didn’t make it to the booking, but even that was held to cheapen a movie.  A bloodfest ending?  Never.  Not in something mainstream.

At the time, a lot of us more observant kids referred to these as “revenge flicks“, because what they did was use 80-110 minutes of moral outrages to supposedly justify the “hero” taking ultraviolent revenge against the perpetrators at the end of the movie.  It would be years later before I would understand that these weren’t just “revenge flicks”.  They were revenge porn.  They were actually a kind of pornography, meant to degrade the viewer.  More than degrade the viewer, actually.  To degrade his or her society.

Look closely at the poster.  You can SEE the cultural Marxism.

Not understanding that these movies were, in fact, the work of cultural Marxists, we didn’t understand that 20 years earlier, people like Frank Marshall Davis had seeded the ground with an explosion of “regular” pornography.  Of course, now that the Soviet Kremlin’s pornographer Frank Marshall Davis is considered a “poet” by the left, it’s not surprising that most people don’t realize how important pornography was to Stalin’s plans for the degradation of America.


In any case, the revenge porn (the old kind) of the early 1970’s helped the remainder of cultural Marxism to usher in decades of slow degradation of America, turning us from a nation where people hitchhiked and left doors unlocked, to a nation where almost nobody dared to leave their doors unlocked, much less hitchhike or pick up hitchhikers.

Why?  Its simple, actually.  Because if somebody makes a statistically significant portion of the population REALLY, REALLY ANGRY – which you need to recall is a state where thinking is minimal – then it’s “OK” to take revenge.  That is the subconscious message.  Anger is an excuse for revenge.  Completely at odds with the law.  And THAT is exactly what is desired.

Yes.  Cultural Marxism is simple, but it works.  Degrade the enemy to beat the enemy.  You degrade everybody a little, some people a lot, and a few people enough to self-destruct, breaking the bonds of society.

SO – if you can see what revenge porn did to America in 40 years, then brace yourselves for what Hollywood’s current weapon – HATE PORN – is going to do – and very likely in only 10 or 20 years.

That is, unless we DEMAND it to end.




Hate porn is really just Billy Jack taken to the logical conclusion of both violence and politics, instead of only violence.

It’s not just a machete – it’s Machete.

It’s not just a character named Django unchained – it’s Django Unchained.

It’s a way to go utterly pornographic in the depiction of Marxist “class enemies” as worthy of killing, and to make what was once the mere setup to kill, an end in itself.  Where revenge porn like Billy Jack had made a few corrupt white redneck sheriffs and businessmen worthy of instantial killing, modern hate porn creates entire murderable classes of people.  Often using the broad brush of history, and large but currently non-existent institutions like black slavery in America, hate porn is able to weaponize the viewer against very large numbers of existing people.

The goal is not that you leave the theater satisfied that a few evil whites have been killed.  The goal is for you to leave the theater believing there are a lot of evil whites that still need killing.  And if that last sentence doesn’t shock you, then I would suggest that you have ALREADY been heavily conditioned toward accepting certain forms of genocide.

Hate porn, like revenge porn, makes the most money while it’s novel.  The thing is, hate porn just ain’t that novel in 2017, having started during the Obama administration, when Hollywood genuflected almost orgasmically to the crypto-radical Obama White House.  So the heat is on to dial it up to higher and higher levels of hate, and higher and higher levels of violence, just to make the same bucks that were possible a few years ago.

Still, despite the tougher and tougher environment to make a buck by saying white people must die, certain cultural Marxist directors are somehow able to keep saying it in new and profitable ways.  Case in point – Quentin Tarantino.

Tarantino – the story of whose dubiously miraculous rise is somehow supposed to inspire us, is a primary example of how cultural Marxists are rewarded for their effectiveness as intermediaries for real Marxists.

Well, look who hangs with Carl Dix, head of the Revolutionary Communist Party.

Tarantino started off by being critically rewarded for using extreme levels of violence, cruelty, and criminality.  The thing is, if you know enough art critics, you know that the field is absolutely SWARMING with Marxists, cultural Marxists, and others who are simply overflowing with contempt for middle America.  Anything which shocks the stiffs, is something they will love – even the ones who aren’t in on the scam of promoting a fellow radical.  Violence is fairly neutral in terms of artistry, but if critics WANT to call it artistic – well – there you go.  You have just promoted your insider up to the fast track of Hollywood.  Tarantino as the Obama of directing.  They might as well have made him the undeserving president of Law Review when they gave him all the utterly undeserved Hollywood accolades.

The thing is, cultural Marxist messaging by hate porn is already starting to fall on deaf ears, so the Marxists need new and uglier ways to make it fly.  They also need to sneak in funding from the side, because half of America wants nothing to do with their sick product.

If you wonder why China – as in communist China – meaning Marxist China – which may have something to do with cultural Marxism – is so heavily funding Hollywood – well, there you go.  It’s war against America, and if they can turn our self-harming Hollywood grasshoppers into mindless servants of the ants in Beijing, well why not?

Follow the money.  China wants America to solve its problems with bullets, so China doesn’t have to.  Wonderful!

But back to the new sickness unto the Death of America.

‘Game of Thrones’ Creators’ Next Project Explores Alternate America Where Slavery Never Ended


Yes.  They are really doing it.  They are going to create a civil war.  AGAIN.  For Karl Marx and friends.  First on film – then in reality.

I leave it to you to explore this latest assault on America (hint – click on the link and read the Breitbart article).  Take a look and then come back.

Did you like what you saw?  I will tell you – the temptation is there.  Maybe you’re a Game of Thrones fan.  You’re betting it will be good.  Right?

It’s propaganda.  Hollywood propaganda.  They used Game of Thrones to bait you in.  NOW they set the hook.

Watch it.  Go ahead.  But remember this article.  Remember these words, when you get to a certain point where you hate what you are being told.

“I told you it was mind poison.  I TOLD YOU.”

After that time, you will be ready to fight.  If you’re already ready to fight, even better.


There is going to be a lot of screaming from Hollywood and Beijing as hate porn is confronted.  And trust me – Hollywood is going to use every bit of trickery to get you to LOVE the hate porn.  There will be characters written just for you to “escape judgment” by identifying with them.  The only problem – in the end you will be weaponized against your fellow Americans, and ultimately yourself as well.  Because THAT is the goal, and even if you think you are immune, you’re not.  If you watch the hate porn, you will be affected negatively, no matter what you try to do.

It’s poison.  Tasty, fragrant, shiny, satiny, melodious, and interesting poison.

Pour it in the toilet.  Burn it in the fireplace.  Send it back to Hollywood.

Just don’t watch it, no matter how interesting they make it.

It’s poison.




    1. Yes – I agree. Now that I’m FREE of the Hollywood poison, I SEE the poison very easily. It is only because I feel I have a moral responsibility to others, that I pay attention to it at all.

      Someday, God willing, Hollywood, too, will be great again.

      Liked by 3 people

  1. Wow, Wolfie! I didn’t think anyone in Hollywood or elsewhere smart enough to orchestrate the total destruction of whites. Lots to think about, thanks for the triggers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cultural Marxists are very smart, but even more importantly, they are SNEAKY and they lie well. Once you realize that most of their narrative about self is lies, they are a lot easier to track.

      Trump is smarter, but there are not nearly enough Trumps.

      Liked by 4 people

  2. Wolfmoon! THANK YOU for this! I have no idea that I would ever have been able to even mentally “verbalize” these concepts – you’ve helped a great deal!

    AND, you’ve helped me to see that this form of “entertainment” gives us yet another excuse to think of ourselves as victims.

    AND, this is another way for HoRRiblywood to blur the lines between right and wrong for the very people who NEED those clear distinctions..

    AND “hate-porn” provides yet another excuse for being self-focused as opposed to being other and community focused.

    AND, “hate-porn” blurs the line between “entertainment” and “propaganda” (agitprop).

    AND “revenge-porn/hate-porn” subtly provides yet another excuse for despair and taking the law into our own hands as opposed to doing the hard work of working together to change the system LEGALLY when the system is broken.

    AND “revenge-porn/hate-porn” subtly provides yet more excuses for us to isolate ourselves from each other where we most NEED each other.

    AND, of course you already recognize the Lame Stream News Media is participating in all of this very much the same as Horriblywood – probably even WORSE!

    And I’m too sleepy to go on but you’ve REALLY started the cogs turning (okay, so they’re SLOWLY turning – lol) but you’ve given us all a great deal to ponder for a LONG time.

    PLEASE don’t stop! THANKS, Again!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Awesome – you are totally getting this!

      YES – once you see cultural Marxism at work, it just pours out of so much of our contemporary society. You see the strings – the wires – the gears – the false fronts. A veritable world of leftist “cheat-change” becomes visible to the naked eye.

      The most important thing is this. Don’t go looking for experts on CM – there are almost none out there. The left has suppressed anti-communist thinking so greatly, it’s like rediscovering a lost language. But an understanding of them almost puts itself back together once you start seeing how it all works.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. It’s so sad that the cultural Marxists have infiltrated so deeply. After reading your essay, I did a little thought experiment. I tried to remember the last time I came out of a theater or watched a movie at home feeling that it was great to be alive, that humanity was on the right track and that God was in His rightful place. I had to go so far back I’m embarrassed – let’s just say it was a sixties musical.

        I have known for a long time that communism sucks the life out of everything it touches. It does not create, it destroys. It does not foster love, it foments hate. It has left a trail of death and destruction so wide as to be unfathomable. Yet, with each new incarnation destined to fail (here’s looking at you, Venezuela), the line of useful idiots swearing allegiance to it’s evil continues to grow. Are people really this stupid or just so alienated from God they can no longer tell wrong from right? I mean, God gave ALL of us a conscience. Is it really so easy to quiet that inner voice and turn your back on all that is holy and good?

        I’ve read you for a long time at the CTH and have always enjoyed your enlightening posts. Please keep it up, Wolf. You are a much needed light in this darkening world.

        By the way, was it you that penned the essay that Sundance turned into an article? I so enjoyed that piece and would love to be able to read it again.

        Liked by 4 people

        1. Thanks! Very much appreciate your thoughts here. I think you are so right – it is God that gives us faith to go on, and changes everything.

          I will try to find that post you are talking about. Yes – that was me! I’ll try to reproduce that one as a blog entry here! Great idea.

          Thanks again, and have a great and ever-so-MAGA 2017! 😀

          Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m pretty sure a lot of Treepers would love to see that post again – be sure to give a heads up at CTH that it is available at your blog.

    I’ve been studying up on consciousness lately. Your comment on entropy sorta tweaked me to mention this to you. I’d love to discuss it with you sometime. There is a growing faction that believe until physics comes to terms with consciousness as a part of the equation, further growth in physics will be stifled. It’s no co-incidence that science recognizes that the act of observation influences outcome. The observer is a conscious entity, no?

    Loved your reply to Sundance about Steve Bannon. The Howard Hughes analogy was brilliant and spot on!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for that – I’ll go take a look! And yes – feel free to quote at liberty. We need to build up a solid base of thought in countering cultural Marxism, and anything I can contribute toward that end is a wonderful thing.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Reading this again, written in July and now we are closing in on December and Christmas.

    After all the recent Hellywood relavations, it seems a bit like the Lord has granted our wish, albeit on His terms and in His way.

    Hoping this Christmas season brings us a better vision of America than the ones we have seen the past few decades. Lord willing, things are changing. Perhaps Hellywood will as well.

    In the meantime, the war continues.
    Great writing, Wolf, as usual.

    Liked by 1 person

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